Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I can't sleep. I hate this. I'm having severe uterine bleeding and cramps and nothing is helping. I have a gynecologist appointment on the 8th, but I don't know if that's soon enough.

I've been to doctors and they've never helped with my problem. I've had it for 9 years! 9! I go to the doctor, they see the problem I have and that I'm anemic. What do they do? Oh, I'll tell ya, they tell me I'm fat and to lose weight and my problem will go away, NEXT! Never have I had one of them offer to help the daily bleeding stop. Their way of helping is to tell me to lose the weight (wiping hands)

I've been infertile for most of my child bearing years. Thank goodness that I have two beautiful girls already. There is HUGE discrimination going on. I had one OB refuse to help with infertility because I was overweight. I asked if he could help with the bleeding...lose some weight he says. MOTHER FU****! AAAAAH!

Now that I'm older I'm not putting up with it anymore. My current doctor doesn't know what to do about it so did nothing and didn't even suggest a specialist that might be able to help. He told me to go to Planned Parenthood. I've been. They've helped me this last year, but I was told my problem wasn't something they could help me with "long term". They gave me birth control, but it's not working anymore. I'm still forever indebted to them for making it stop for a few months. That was a miracle. I've dropped said impotent doctor and I'm seeing someone new next week along with the gyno. I assumed that I needed to see a gynecologist. I'm not taking any chances that this doc doesn't know what to do for me either. It's almost two weeks away though.

My hormones are crazy. I'm chained to the bathroom. I'm in pain. I feel like crying at any moment, but can never manage it so I'm on edge. I'm calling around tomorrow and I'll see if ANYONE in town can see me. I don't need/want to go to the ER.

I hope that after I have the surgery and lose weight that my period will get back to normal. I really do. I've relented to the fact that I will not be having any more babies and I'm not too terribly adverse to them ripping the uterus out. I just want the madness to STOP!

I know this isn't a weight loss post, yet it is something that is caused directly from my morbid obesity. If anyone else has these problems you're not alone. I felt alone until I read similar stories on the OH boards. What I'm going through sucks, but it's normal for someone of my BMI. Can't wait till it's over.

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